Fur and Fangs Series Bundle


fur and fangs series bundle ebook by dn leo

The complete series of Spectrum of Magic series and collections of related books in the Multiverse Collection.

Books in the Box:

1. White Curse
2. Blue Fox
3. Indigo Stone
4. Red Moon
5. Libra
6. Virgo
7. Pisces

What you'll get: 

  🍓 Downloadable, read on any device of your choice. 

  🍓 Exclusive one-time offer. 

  🍓 Unbeatable discounted price. 

Upon purchase, you will receive an email from Bookfunnel, and have options to download the entire boxed-set to read on any device of your choice.

*Please allow 5 minutes for the file delivery process.

🔥 50% off 🔥 Series Bundle